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We haven't even begun to see the LOVE that we are capable of...

(This was written as an email to my email community the morning after the 2016 Presidential election.)

I view it as my honor to get access to you in this medium. To be able to exchange ideas and give voice to thoughts through this channel, this technology, that connects us.

So, on this consequential morning, I wanted to reach out to offer this statement:

To everyone who voted, or didn't vote, yesterday, as a statement of the disconnect they feel from the political establishment and from their liberal-minded brethren.

You haven't even begun to see the LOVE that we are capable of...

To every person who fears that their lives will be diminished by others' pursuit of equality.

You haven't even begun to see the LOVE that we are capable of...

To everyone who worries that the story of the next four years might be one of oppression, regression, or hatred.

You haven't even begun to see the LOVE that we are capable of...

To every lightworker, bright heart, hopeful spirit who desires to see the world made a better, more accepting, tolerant and peaceful place, who might be struggling for optimism and gratitude this morning.

You haven't even begun to see the LOVE that we are capable of...

We are not here, now, by coincidence.

We chose to be born into this moment of history because WE are the ones uniquely equipped to rise to the challenge that has been laid before us.

In the face of seeming darkness, hatred, and oppression,





Let us view this moment in history as a challenge, that in whatever way we were sent here to usher love and peace into this world, with whatever gifts we were given or purpose we were sent for, that we show up more fully, more committedly, more powerfully.

Let us view it as a challenge to LOVE on a level that we never imagined we could reach.

Do not lose hope my friends. Do not despair.

Because we haven't even begun to see the LOVE that we are capable of.

Your humble friend and your eternal ally in LOVE,

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