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King Benjamin's Virgin Burner Blog: Why I Love Burning Man & Want to Help You Get There

Welcome to King Benjamin's Virgin Burner Blog!

I am King Benjamin (that's my Playa name, we'll get to that later) and for some serendipitous reason, the Universe has connected you to me so I can assist you in your preparations for your first Burn!

King Benjamin, The Capricorn King of the Infinite Light (is my full title)

(Pictured above: me, King Benjamin---BTW, King Benjamin, The Capricorn King of the Infinite Light is my full royal title.)

Who is this blog for?

I am writing this blog for anyone who desires to go to Burning Man for the first time (we call them "virgins") but might need assistance figuring out how to get there.

What should you expect from this Blog?

Over the next few months I'll be writing about things like:

-The 10 Principles of Burning Man

-How and when to buy tickets

-How and how much to prepare financially for the Burn

-How to prepare spiritually/mentally/physically/emotionally for the Burn

-What supplies to purchase and what not to bring

-Funny and meaningful stories and anecdotes

-Beautiful pictures and videos

-Pure, unadulterated love and excitement

Why am I doing this?

What excites me about this blog is that it allows me to practice gifting in two powerful ways (side note: gifting is one of the most important aspects of Burning Man.)

First, I get to gift to you the knowledge and experience that was gifted to me by other Burners over my 4 years of participating. Second, if you end up committing to the journey that is Burning Man, I get to gift all of the [incredible-unique-magic-that-is-YOU] back to the Burning Man community! I couldn't think of a better way to give back to an experience and community that have truly changed my life!

(As King I am entitled to all of the abundance and joy in life. And so are you!)

Why do you love Burning Man so much?

"It restores my faith in humanity, and it restores my faith in myself."

---That's the answer I give people to the oft-repeated question, "Why do you love Burning Man so much?" To me, it's the fuel to my fire all year round, the reminder that life is too short and precious to not be present, to not burn as brightly as possible while I still can. It's my time to tune in and reconnect to all the best parts of me and my species.

Why should you go to Burning Man?

Burning Man is to me a very precious gift, one I hope every human being will have the fortune of receiving in their lifetime, and I would love to share it with [you.]

Some of the reasons that I believe so much in the BM experience for every human are:

-It allows participants to understand themselves in a profound way by removing all context of the life they've come to know.

-It fosters immense creativity, joy and genuine awe.

-It provides an opportunity for deeper connection with other human beings.

-It shows what the world could be like if everyone took care of each other and lived in abundance.

How can you follow this blog?

If this is an experience you'd like to have, please be sure to follow this blog by either following me on Facebook or Twitter, or subscribing to this blog.

Can I ask you questions?

Yes! If you have any questions, feel free to comment on each post or email me directly at

Lastly, if you have a chance, take a listen to my music. I think you'll have a much better idea of who I am and where I'm operating from if you do.

Thanks for taking the time to read. :)

Much love,

King Benjamin

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