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Ben's Weekly Spark 1.6.19: The Joy of Journaling, Thriving Masculinity, & Establishing Your

...A Weekly Digest of

Community-Generated Tools, Tips & Experiences for Accessing


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(Click here to join our Facebook group where these tools are shared. THANK YOU to the BC Tribe members who contributed to this week's Spark!)


🔥JOY: At the beginning of this month, I wrote about modern-day Alchemy, and the many tools that we can use to shift our energy from darkness, denseness or negativity to brightness, lightness and positivity.

One of my favorites ways to do this is through Journaling.

Ben Caron Tribe Picture

I've been journaling consistently for many years now. One of my greatest joys and most informative exercises is going back and reading my old journals. I go through stretches where I journal daily and then stretches where I need a break, sometimes I will journal around special events that I want to remember (Burning Man, weddings, trips,) or journal when I'm struggling energetically with something.

If you've never journaled, it's very easy to start. Even if you don't have a notebook, just grab any piece of paper, and start where you're at. The thing about journaling is to not have any expectations around what it should be. It doesn't need to take a long time or be any sort of way. Do whatever serves you best in the moment.


🔥HOPE: In case you missed it in the Facebook Group, I shared a new Youtube Series from my friend John Litchenberg, called “3 Steps,” that looks to teach men how to thrive in a way that is evolved, aware and accountable. His goal is to counteract some of the toxic masculinity that we as men can oftentimes fall into based on dated societal programming. Check out the channel and if you like what you’re seeing, subscribe! And if you do, you will see me interviewed on a future episode!


🔥PEACE: This was the first week in the New Year, and I know many of us are working to integrate new habits, practices and behaviors into our lives to bring us more peace.

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Ben Caron Tribe Picture

Reservations are now open for the 30-person work/playshop I’m leading in West Hollywood this Sunday, January 13th at 11:11AM. We’ll be using all of the alchemical practices above to transform whatever energy needs to be transformed to start the New Year right. Click here to reserve your spot!


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