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Ben's Weekly Spark 5.8.18: Disco-Dancing Elders, Difficult Emotions and A Free Online Summit!

...A Weekly Digest of

Community-Generated Tools, Tips & Experiences for Accessing


Ben Caron Tribe Picture

(Click here to join our Facebook group where these tools are shared. THANK YOU to the BC Tribe members who contributed to this week's Spark!)


🔥JOY: I've been really enjoying developing my new take on practicing yoga: "Sword Yoga." The sword, like the mind, is a tool that can be used creatively and destructively, benevolently or malevolently, skillfully or unskillfully. If you'd like to stay updated on my teaching schedule, join this ongoing Facebook event or join my Facebook group.

Recently I've been looking for my next intention to focus on. There are so many things I want to learn, or need to learn really, and this list below has some great methods of getting the ego, story, resistance out of the way to be able to joyfully learn and grow.


🔥HOPE: According to this TED Talk, if you look at the statistics, humanity is currently healthier, wealthier, safer, happier and more educated than it has ever been in human history. Thank you Rexx for sharing.

Music is one of the most powerful tools for healing. I truly believe we're only beginning to see the power that music will have in transforming life on this planet once we really commit to studying its affects on the human body, mind, heart, spirit.


🔥PEACE: Managing anger is a difficult task, one that I personally work on often. Here's a beautiful full talk from American Tibetan Buddhist Nun Pema Chödrön, shared by my friend, yogini Heather Hudson. (Click the picture to be redirected to the Youtube video.)

Also, I just got turned on to a free week-long mindfulness video series! One of my favorite teachers, Sharon Salzberg is going to be teaching. She specializes in "lovingkindness" which I shared an article on a few days ago.


🔥LOVE: My friend, Stephanie, shared this series of photos that tell the story of how a group of dancers worked together to make someone feel loved and included:

For the past year, my friend Ramona (Xena) has fundraised for supplies and put in hard work on the ground cleaning up a village named Belen in Peru that suffers from water pollution and waste disposal challenges. She gives me hope that any person, committed to service, can make huge differences to the communities they serve. Her work continues, and I’ve included the link to her fundraising page in case you feel called to help her.


In just a few days,

I'd be very glad if you joined me

for Ty Taylor's debut of his

fantastic new jazz album

on May 11th at the beautiful

Wallis Annenberg Center for the Performing Arts.

SEASON 2 FINALE IS this Saturday, MAY 12TH AT 7PM PST!!! Lots of special guests!!! Tune in live on my Facebook page!

THANK YOU for reading! Again if you'd like to join our online community, click here to join our Facebook group where these tools are shared daily.


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